New Britain School Programs Win Grants


6:15 AM EST, February 24, 2012


The school system's programs for training health professionals and for science, technology, engineering and math have been awarded grants by the Petit Family Foundation.

The two program received $15,000.

The New Britain Academy for Health Professions is run in the high school, and is aimed at students interested in health care careers. It has 167 students and is run in conjunction with the hospital for Special Care and The Hospital of Central Connecticut.

New Britain opened its STEM Academy last August with 72 freshmen. It provides early career and college experiences to students interested in those subjects, and is designed to prepare students for careers in scientific or technical fields.

The grants are in memory of Jennifer Hawke-Petit, who was a registered nurse at Cheshire Academy and co-director of the school's health center. The grants also honor her daughters, Hayley Elizabeth and Michaela Rose Petit. All three were killed in a highly publicized home invasion.,0,1637961.story