Raindrops and Tears
I always loved the wind,
Now you touch me when it rustles the leaves.
You’re all around me then
Comforting me with a ‘wind-hug,’
Letting me know you’re still there.
Raindrops when they fall on my face
Those are your gentle kisses of love,
Of that I have no doubt.
They fall from where you are
Up high,
A place I cannot see.
I look to the sky,
How blue, how vast and I wonder.
Is it there where you are now,
Over there on that cloud?
Are you upon a twinkling star
Once the sun is done with day?
Do you sit on the moon at night,
Are their tears in your eyes too?
As you look down to see
The wind ruffling my hair,
And the raindrops on my face?
Wendy Alden 2004