
Our Foundation is small, but growing, and we are proud to have been embraced by the community. Even with all that support, the need for additional help with all our annual events cannot be overstated.

Register & buy tickets online for any of our events!

19th Annual
Golf Tournament


Date TBD

The 19th Annual Golf Tournament will be held in 2025. Golf + dinner which includes a live auction, silent auction and raffle prizes.

Event Details

18th Annual
5k Road Race


July 20, 2025

The 18th Annual Petit Family 5K Road Race will be held at 9am on Sunday July 20th at Plainville High School at Robert Holcomb Way.

Event Details

3rd Annual
Sip & Inspire Change

Wine bottles, glasses and cheese in restaurant

Fall 2025

Sip and Inspire Change at the 3rd annual Petit Family Foundation Wine Event. Join us at Farmington Gardens in Farmington CT!

Event Details

In addition, we have had several Food and Wine events, Motorcycle events as well as Yankee vs. Redsox Baseball Fundraiser Trips, Luminary Sales and various fundraiser events. Learn more about other events.

More Ways To Participate

  • Join a planning committee. Help out with specific tasks such as creating and distributing brochures and posters, or obtaining auction and raffle items.
  • Work at events during event days, and when not working, participate in those events.
  • ‘Spot’ volunteer at the office for such efforts as stuffing envelopes and distributing materials.

We have many tasks that need to be accomplished, some on a daily basis, some on a monthly basis, and others just once in a while.

Event Suggestions

You can suggest ideas for other events to the Chairman of our Development Committee, Mr. Michael Chambrello, via email. You can also volunteer by filling out the Volunteer Contact Form.

We thank you for your help in giving back to the community and helping to be ‘the change you wish to see in the world’ while honoring the memories of JENNIFER, HAYLEY, and MICHAELA.